junij, 2023
Prijava na konferenco
Vse, ki bi radi predstavili prispevke vabimo, da nam
pošljejo prijavo na konferenco in povzetke prispevkov najpozneje do
31. decembra 2022. Obvestilo o uvrstitvi
recenziranih povzetkov na program konference bodo avtorji prejeli do
15. januarja 2023 z začasnim programom konference.
Popolno preliminarno besedilo prispevka pošljite do
15. februarja 2023. O dokončni uvrstitvi prispevkov za konferenco bo odločal
programski odbor, o čemer bodo avtorji obveščeni do 15.
aprila 2023. Na konferenci bodo udeleženci prejeli povzetke prispevkov.
Konferenca bo potekala v slovenščini in angleščini.
Ljubljana, Slovenia
June 2nd, 2023
Conference registry
You are invited to present
the results of your research. Submit an application to the conference and send
it with your contribution summary by December 31st
2022. Authors will receive a conference classification notice and a
provisional conference program before January 15th,
2023. The completed preliminary text of the contribution should be sent
to you by February 15th, 2023. Authors
will be notified about the Program Committee’s final decision on classification
of their contributions, by April 15th, 2023.
Conference participants will receive a summary of contributions. The conference
will be held in Slovene and English.
za prijavo
conf (a) korenine.si
Konferenca je namenjena odkrivanju jezikovnih,
kulturnih in drugih podatkov o staroselcih Evrope, s poudarkom na Slovenih, od
pradavnine do srednjega veka. Za pojasnitev povezav in razumevanje širšega
zgodovinskega dogajanja, se raziskave lahko izjemoma nanašajo na obdobje do
sredine 19. stoletja. Jedro raziskovanja predstavljajo arheološki in pisni viri,
etimologija, toponimi, jezikoslovne in genetske sledi, verovanja, legende,
običaji in drugi podatki, ki osvetljujejo življenje, delo, materialno kulturo,
verovanja in jezik evropskih staroselcev skozi različna zgodovinska obdobja.
Registry address
conf (a) korenine.si
Registration Form
Research topics
The mission of the conference is to reveal linguistic,
cultural and other data about the ancient inhabitants of Europe, from
prehistoric times to the middle Ages, with an emphasis on Slovenes. To clarify
the links and understanding the extensive historical happenings, researchers may
exceptionally refer to the period up to the mid-19th century. The basic core of
the conference should comprise archaeological facts and written documents,
etymology, toponyms, genetic traces, beliefs, mythology, legends, customs and
other data which could brighten the life, material culture, work, religion and
language of ancient European ancestors throughout the different epochs of the
distant past.
Navodila za prijavo in oblikovanje prispevka
Vabilo: Povzetek s podrobnostmi
Priloga 1:
Navodila za oblikovanje prispevka.
Priloga 2:
Podrobnejši podatki o konferenci.
g. Marko Hrovat
Karanatanska 20
SI-1230 Domžale,
tel.: +386 1 722-07-70
hrovatm (a)
Instructions for registration and
contribution design
Announcement PDF: Summary with some
Attachment 1: Contribution formatting instructions.
Attachment 2: Detailed information about the
g. Marko Hrovat
Karanatanska 20
SI-1230 Domžale,
tel.: +386 1 722-07-70
hrovatm (a)
Zbornik konference
Recenzirani prispevki bodo natisnjeni v zborniku
konference. Rok za oddajo dokončnih čistopisov prispevkov v obliki primerni za
tisk je 30. junij 2023. Zbornik bodo udeleženci dobili naknadno po pošti.
Pomembnejše informacije in obvestila bodo objavljena na
spletni strani projekta Korenine Slovenov in Evropejcev: www.korenine.si kot tudi
na: www.zgodovina.eu in www.veneti.info.
Prijavljeni na konferenco pa bodo prejeli obvestila tudi po e-pošti.
Conference Proceedings
All reviewed papers will be printed in the Conference
Proceedings. Submission of the final text, suitable for printing, is June 30th,
2023. Participants will receive the proceedings by mail.
Important information and conference
announcements will be available on the web site of the Project
The Origins of Slovenes and Europeans: www.korenine.si, as well as on the:
www.zgodovina.eu and www.veneti.info.
Registered participants will also receive notes about the conference by e-mail.