Giancarlo Tomezzoli Zeppelinstrasse 43, D-81669 Munich, Germany; E-mail: gtomezzoli@epo.org
Introduction In the past, I started to collect articles and books, for providing my son with an archive of information concerning the ancient Veneti. In performing this activity I realized the importance of an interactive form for these materials for allowing a rapid and easier consultation. As a trial, I scanned the part of said documents concerning the ancient Veneti of Armorica an ancient land corresponding roughly with the present Morbihan department of Brittany (France), and stored it on a CD rom as pre-release of Venetic Archive. From the various discussions of the content of said pre-release it appeared that outside France the culture developed by the Veneti in Armorica is not well known. Moreover, it appeared also clear that the CD with its large storage capacity, normally 650 Mb, and its reduced dimensions, is an ideal means for exchanging and in general for diffusing the content of articles and books. Said pre-release was well received and this encouraged me to prosecute the scanning of the rest of the documents I collected, which mainly concerned the ancient Veneti who lived around the ancient town of Ateste (present Este, Veneto, IT), i.e. a region comprising roughly Veneto (IT), Slovenia and Austria.
Venetic Archive - release 1.0 On 04/02/2001 after the completion of the scanning of all the articles and books I collected and the testing of the content, the Venetic Archive - release 1.0 on CD rom was ready. The content of Venetic Archive - release 1.0 is listed in Tab. 1. The content is articulated in two sections: – Veneti of Armorica: containing papers about their settlement, coins, ships, history and the interpretations of the famous inscription of Plumergat; – Veneti of Ateste: containing papers about their inscriptions, language and religion. For accessing the papers of Venetic Archive - release 1.0 in a normal PC it is necessary to: – Insert the CD rom in a suitable CD rom reader (drive E, F or other). – Start Netscape Communicator (or Navigator or equivalent program). – Enter into the address line: F:/venbeg/vbeg1.htm. – Click on the image displayed on the VDU of the PC. – Click on the desired document on the self-explanatory menu. The jpg files on the CD can also be accessible separately by any other program supporting the jpg format. The advantage of Venetic Archive - release 1.0 is to store integrally “La Lingua Venetica”, Vol. I, II, which is a basic text cited by various authors, but which normally is not easily available for private study or consultation, as well as other relevant texts. In the CD rom the pages of the documents are stored in jpg format and linked together sequentially by means of programs written in Html language. During the preparation of the CD rom an attempt was made to scan documents by using the character recognition process. But this attempt was abandoned because the unacceptable long time necessary for scanning a single page and the lot of errors in the scanned pages introduced by such kind of scanning. The Venetic Archive - release 1.0 is advertised on the home page of our organization Veneti (veneti.tripod.com/veneti) and is available at the only cost of the post fees.
Venetic Archive - further release. The work of acquisition of documents for a further release of Venetic Archive on CD rom is in progress. A preliminary survey about documents concerning the Veneti stored in the Staatlisches Bibliothek in Munich has been accomplished and has revealed a significant number of relevant documents both ancient and also very recent. However, a further survey will be performed in Munich and outside about the possible presence of documents or studies concerning the Veneti of the northern Baltic region, of Paphlagonia, of Lacus Veneticus and about the Lusatian Culture in which it seems that the Veneti were involved. Povzetek Vsebina zbirke Venetic Archive - release 1.0 on CD-ROM ima dva dela: - Armoriški Veneti: vsebuje dela o njihovi naselitvi, kovancih, ladjah, zgodovini in razlago slavnega napisa Plumergat; - Atestinski Veneti: vsebuje dela o njihovih napisih, jeziku in verstvu.
Da bi lahko brali dela, spravljena v zbirki Venetic Archive - release 1.0 on CD-ROM na osebnem računalniku, naredite naslednje: - vstavite CD v CD čitalnik (pogon E, F ali kakor imate nastavljeno, npr. X) - poženite internetni brkljalnik (Netscape Communicator ali Navigator ali kaj podobnega): - v vrstico za internetni naslov vpišite: X:/venbeg/vbeg1.htm in pritisnite tipko enter; - kliknite na prikazano sliko; - izberite želeni dokument v meniju.
Venetic Archive - release 1.0 ponujamo na domači strani naše organizacije Veneti (veneti.tripod.com/veneti) in je na voljo za ceno poštnih stroškov.
Table 1: VENETIC ARCHIVE - release 1.0
I. Veneti of Armorica L'age du fer dans le Morbihan ‑ L. Marsille Carnac: fouilles faites dans la rgion ‑ Z. Le Rouzic Le dolmen de Plaisance en Saint‑Avé ‑ L. Marsille Les Vénètes d'Armorique ‑ P. Merlat Les limites entre peuples et cité en Armorique ‑ L. Pape Les Vénètes d'Armorique, problème d'histoire et d'administration ‑ P. Merlat Dinard. Histoire Tourisme Loisirs ‑ G. Cozanet Une enigme de la numismatique armoricaine: les monnaies celtiques des Vénètes I. ‑ Le Billon ‑ J.‑B. Colbert de Beaulieu Une enigme de la numismatique armoricaine: les monnaies celtiques des Vénètes II. ‑ L'or ‑ J.‑B. Colbert de Beaulieu Monnaies IV / V Protohistoire de la Bretagne ‑ P.‑R. Giot, J. Briard, L. Pape Sur les Vénètes ‑ M. B. Cadoret Les Cassiterides ‑ C. L. Kervran Considérations techniques sur la flotte des Vénètes et des Romains ‑ R.‑Y. Creston La Guerra Gallica ‑ Gaio Giulio Cesare Les Vénètes ‑ Institut Vitruve La campagne de Cesar contre les Vénètes ‑ M. Denis La conquête de la Gaule ‑ J‑J. Monnier, J‑C. Cassard Cesar et les Vénètes ‑ R.‑Y. Creston Cesar et les Vénètes, le combat naval de 56 av. J.‑C. ‑ P. Emmanuelli La cité gallo‑romaine des Vénètes ‑ P. André La Bretagne romaine ‑ L. Pape La stèle épigraphe de Plumergat (Morbihan) ‑ G. Bernier, M. Lejeune Transcription and translation of the Plumergat (Morbihan) stele inscription ‑ A. Ambrozic.
II. Veneti of Ateste Indo‑Européens ‑ A. Y., G. J. Voices of stone ‑ P. Agostini Some votive offerings to the Venetic goddess Rehtia ‑ R. S. Conway Rehtia, the Venetic Goddess of healing ‑ J. Whathmough New Venetic inscriptions from Este ‑ J. Whatmough On Venetic ECUPETARIS ‑ J. Whatmough The Venetic language ‑ M. S. Beeler La lingua venetica I ‑ G. B. Pellegrini, A. L. Prosdocimi La lingua venetica II ‑ G. B. Pellegrini, A. L. Prosdocimi The Venetic inscriptions ‑ R. S. Conway Veneti in Europe ‑ L. Martinuzzi, I. Tomažič, G. Tomezzoli Veneti antichi e moderni ‑ J. Šavli. |